Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Recap of WBFF New England Fitness Weekend
As an NYC based team, the effects of Sandy hit us hard.
The Elite Heat was due to compete, Saturday, November 3rd in Providence,
our first thought was – will The Elite Heat get to compete? Esther and Lauren
would be the two competitors to represent the team in Rhode Island. After
coming off a high from the previous show, these two were more than ready. Getting
to the gym or heating up tilapia was definitely a project within itself but
they were able to stay on track despite the devastation that hit NYC.
With bags packed it was finally time to hit the road.
in began Friday, November 2nd at 4 PM, following this was the athletes
meeting. All checked in, we had #80 and #128 to cheer for. In this show Esther competed in Bikini and Lauren competed in both Fit Model and Bikini. The
girls got dolled up for the meeting at 7 PM. At this meeting, Allison Dillett,
Executive Vice President of WBFF greeted competitors with open arms. She gave a brief
rundown of how the show would go and what to expect. She also explained
what WBFF is looking for in their athletes – someone who is marketable but also
the entire package. After the meeting, the team went to dinner, where Lauren
got to carb up with some steak but Esther was on her strict tilapia diet.
After dinner it was time for some R&R for the girls.
They prepped their bags for the next day and hopped into bed -- covering the bed of course with their own
sheets so their tans wouldn’t ruin the hotel sheets. Ah, the life of a competitor.
Alarms were set for 4:45 AM and dreams began about becoming a WBFF pro.
Show day! Saturday November 3rd, the make-up
artist was due at the hotel at 6 AM. The girls overslept, which was okay
because it was a sign that their bodies may have needed it. They found a local make-up
artist who was willing and able to travel. Sara Faella, celebrity and national make-up
artist based in Providence, RI brought the glam. Post make up, it was hair time
for Lauren --- which she did herself, and regretted later.
With makeup done, it was time to head over to the venue.
Esther and Lauren got settled backstage and found a spot to post up for the
entire day. There was a moment of panic when Lauren took her curls out of the
pins – to the point where she wasn’t going to go on stage. This is why were are
a team – The Elite Heat --- Esther was to the rescue and quickly did up Lauren’s
hair in literally five minutes before she was due on stage for her first category
fit model. #80 entered that stage and was up there for quite some time. At this
show they did comparisons with the girls and asked them to trade places with
other competitors on the stage. Lauren was brought up front for comparisons at
least 3 times. They kept them on stage for easily 25 minutes.
With a quick break, it was then time for bikini. This is the
category Esther was really training for and focused on. The girls hit the stage
and the comparisons began again. Esther was brought up three times as well,
again switching places on stage with other ladies and she rocked it!!
Then it was break time. Esther ran to the mall to finalize
her gown for the second part of the bikini round and Lauren went to the hotel
to rest. It’s truly a long day, going without water or much food. It’s also
very tiring. One may think it’s easy to just walk out on that stage and strut
your stuff, but when you’re in the background you’re always on. You’ve got to
be on point with your posing, smiling and making sure your abs look their absolute
It was then time for the second part of the show. The WBFF
team coordinated for all the competitors to come out and wave to the audience
and line up. After lining up and posing for a few minutes they announced that
they want to see what the competitors have to offer. Esther and Lauren both
B-lined for the front of the stage and killed the pose off. Nothing was going
to stop them from getting noticed.
Lauren was due back on stage first for Fit Model theme wear,
where she once again rocked her Queen of Hearts costume. After strutting around
with her flamingo, it was time to get changed back into her Fit Model bathing
suit for one more round. At this time, they would be handing out the awards for
Fit Model. They brought all the ladies back out and then called out the top
ten. From there they would award the top 5. Fifth, fourth, third, Lauren’s name
still wasn’t called … Finally, #80 takes second place. They then called first
place competitor who received her pro card. But within 30 seconds, they quickly
announced that another competitor was also going to receive their pro card …. And
that was #80!!!!! Lauren placed second and went pro with WBFF.
Stepping off the stage, Lauren and Esther celebrated,
quickly --- because they both had to go get in their gowns for the bikini
awards. Lauren wore a purple bedazzled gown and Esther wore an elegant black
dress with a statement piece necklace. Once in line, they were quickly brought
out to the stage. They called the top ten which both Esther and Lauren made!
They then began to call the top five. Again, fifth, fourth, third … Esther’s
name still wasn’t called, second … then finally for first place #128 Esther
Lopez! Esther took first and received her pro card in bikini.
It was truly an amazing weekend filled with success and
accomplishments. It was never intended to happen this quickly for each of these
two competitors to go pro. With this under their belt, they are now just 23
weeks out from their first pro show with WBFF.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Recap of Fitness America/Muscle Mania October 27th Astoria, NY Show
After months of preparation, The Elite Heat was finally ready to hit the stage at Fitness America Muscle Mania New York Champion show on Saturday
October 27th based locally in Astoria, Queens. The competitor line up
consisted of Esther, Dawn, Nicky and Lauren. The categories the girls
competed in were:
Esther: Bikini
Dawn: Bikini & Model
Nicky: Figure
Lauren: Figure
The day started very early with hair and make up. Luckily both Dawn and Lauren live in Astoria, so the prep began at both apartments. Check in was at 10 AM. With hair complete they made their way over to the venue. Check in was a relatively easy process, the girls received their numbers that they would wear proudly all day on stage. Pre lims began at 3 PM. After getting settled back stage, putting the final touches on their make up, the show was quickly under way. The first round was theme wear for the bikini category. The girls were creative with their costumes. Dawn was a jewel thief, Esther was Chiquita Banana and Lauren was the Queen of Hearts. The way the numbering worked out was quite perfect for picture taking. Dawn lead the pack on stage, Esther and Lauren followed suite.
After theme wear was model, which Dawn rocked her beautiful blush dress accented nicely with stones and her shoes ... forget it! She looked absolutely stunning and carried herself with poise and grace. After theme wear was the figure category for both Nicky and Lauren. Both of these ladies had been training and dedicating their all to this moment. Both classes weren't too big but there was still competition. After they both rocked the stage and nailed their posing ... pre lims quickly came to an end. The girls were due to report back at 5:30 for the 6 PM finals.
When returning the stage, Dawn, Esther and Lauren started in their bikini's. While this was the finals and most judging was done in pre-lims, The Elite Heat is always to be on point! When on that stage, give everything you've got because every little thing is always being taken into consideration. The evening continued on and after the bikini round was another round of figure but then finally time to give out the awards.
The awards for figure were up first, Nicky was up for classic. In this show she placed 5th. Nicky has worked extremely hard to achieve her goals and found the courage to step on stage. Like we always say, if this was easy everyone would do it. Next up was figure open, Lauren's category. It's always nerve racking as they call each place because you just never know. As the numbers dwindled down, they finally called Lauren's name and she took first place. After this Lauren was quickly back on stage for the overall in classic and open. Here she won the overall but also received her pro card. Lauren was completely unaware that this was even a pro qualifying show and this was done with a purpose --- we didn't want to freak her out!
Then it was the bikini girls time, Esther, Dawn and Lauren were brought back on the stage. Dawn placed 4th, Lauren placed 2nd and Esther took first place for bikini short. Since there was a tall and short category for bikini Esther was brought back out for the overall, which she also won! It was an amazing success for the team ... but the fun didn't stop there because we had a show the following weekend!
Esther: Bikini
Dawn: Bikini & Model
Nicky: Figure
Lauren: Figure
The day started very early with hair and make up. Luckily both Dawn and Lauren live in Astoria, so the prep began at both apartments. Check in was at 10 AM. With hair complete they made their way over to the venue. Check in was a relatively easy process, the girls received their numbers that they would wear proudly all day on stage. Pre lims began at 3 PM. After getting settled back stage, putting the final touches on their make up, the show was quickly under way. The first round was theme wear for the bikini category. The girls were creative with their costumes. Dawn was a jewel thief, Esther was Chiquita Banana and Lauren was the Queen of Hearts. The way the numbering worked out was quite perfect for picture taking. Dawn lead the pack on stage, Esther and Lauren followed suite.
After theme wear was model, which Dawn rocked her beautiful blush dress accented nicely with stones and her shoes ... forget it! She looked absolutely stunning and carried herself with poise and grace. After theme wear was the figure category for both Nicky and Lauren. Both of these ladies had been training and dedicating their all to this moment. Both classes weren't too big but there was still competition. After they both rocked the stage and nailed their posing ... pre lims quickly came to an end. The girls were due to report back at 5:30 for the 6 PM finals.
When returning the stage, Dawn, Esther and Lauren started in their bikini's. While this was the finals and most judging was done in pre-lims, The Elite Heat is always to be on point! When on that stage, give everything you've got because every little thing is always being taken into consideration. The evening continued on and after the bikini round was another round of figure but then finally time to give out the awards.
The awards for figure were up first, Nicky was up for classic. In this show she placed 5th. Nicky has worked extremely hard to achieve her goals and found the courage to step on stage. Like we always say, if this was easy everyone would do it. Next up was figure open, Lauren's category. It's always nerve racking as they call each place because you just never know. As the numbers dwindled down, they finally called Lauren's name and she took first place. After this Lauren was quickly back on stage for the overall in classic and open. Here she won the overall but also received her pro card. Lauren was completely unaware that this was even a pro qualifying show and this was done with a purpose --- we didn't want to freak her out!
Then it was the bikini girls time, Esther, Dawn and Lauren were brought back on the stage. Dawn placed 4th, Lauren placed 2nd and Esther took first place for bikini short. Since there was a tall and short category for bikini Esther was brought back out for the overall, which she also won! It was an amazing success for the team ... but the fun didn't stop there because we had a show the following weekend!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Mock Show Oct 2012 Highlights
The Elite Heat had a mock fitness show this past weekend where the ladies strut their stuff for a room full of family, friends, bootcampers,kettlebellers, and judges. It was a huge success! We put together a video with highlights from the weekend! Enjoy!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Elite Heat Spotlight: Megan
In recent years, I've battled with a few extra pounds. My love for burgers and beer, and the idea that I had the world's fastest metabolism and could eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, sadly led to a point in my life where I was truly unhappy with how I felt and looked. I joined Phoenyx Fitness in November 2011 with the simple goal of losing the extra weight I had 'magically' put on over two years. I was frustrated those first few classes when I couldn't keep up with the cardio or do a single push up. I signed up for the kettlebell classes and that's when I was hooked. It was fun to see myself get stronger and have more stamina throughout class. It was also great to see how the girls in the kettlebell class who were also a part of the Elite Heat were transforming before my eyes.
What makes the Elite Heat team stand out from the countless classes/programs I have tried since I moved to NYC is the sense of camaraderie and dedication. These ladies are fierce and determined. I have learned so much in terms of terms of healthy eating , the benefits of kale, and how to have fun and still get a kick ass workout in. I am looking forward to continuing on this journey and seeing what my body can handle!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Elite Heat Spotlight: Giselle
The reason I undertook this challenge was to learn how to moderate my eating habits and , not only be fit, but obtain nice ab definition, which has always been my dream. I have always enjoyed working out but I used to do it as an excuse to eat anything I pleased, especially COOKIES! So, by being a part of the Elite, that will help me not only reach my goals for being fit, I will be able to learn ow to live a healthier lifestyle and share my progress with my teammates who are fighting for the same purpose. Nevertheless, my experience in this group so far has been terrific. I love the dynamic of the group and how we all push each other to reach our maximum potential. This group has been very inspiring and I hope that at the end of my journey, I can inspire others.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Elite Heat Spotlight: Fiamma
I have been struggling with my weight and body image for a few years now, going through countless exercise and diet fads, and getting little to no results. In January of this year, my best friend Ashley joined the Elite Heat, and over the next few months I witnessed as she underwent a complete body transformation. But it wasn't only her body that changed. It was her entire demeanor. She slowly became more and more self confident, and the change was very inspiring to me. I have never considered myself to be self confident, especially not where my body is involved, and seeing my best friend make such big strides in her own body image left me wanting the same. When she decided to recommend me for the team, I was excited and terrified: having never been particularly athletic or strong, I feared being left in the team's collective dust. Regardless, I felt that I owed it to myself to at least try. Feeling so defeated by all of my previous attempts, I pretty much viewed joining the team as a last ditch effort to look in the mirror and feel good about myself. Since joining the team, I have started to feel stronger and healthier. My favorite part of the experience, and what I wasn't expecting, is the support and encouragement the ladies on the team give each other. It feels great to know that we are all in this together and cheering each other on. I feel like this last ditch effort might actually be the one that sticks.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Elite Heat Spotlight: Ernie
After I graduated from law school, I found myself feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and my self-esteem was shot to hell. I was also newly engaged and attempting to plan a huge wedding in another country that I had only traveled to once before! So, I convinced my friend Dorothy, who was also getting married that year, to try this boot camp I saw on Groupon. I have not looked back since...
I have taken many of the classes offered by Phoenyx Fitness, and worked with many of the instructors, and the truth is, everyone has their own way to help you get in shape and build your confidence. I think I have always gravitated towards Malenna's classes because she was my original instructor and helped build my self-esteem through prioritizing myself and my health at a time when I felt negative about everything. So, when I heard that she had some members of our kettlebell class doing a secret program, I just jumped into their conversations and allowed Dorothy to harass her until she would let us join.
At first, I was just joining to spend more time with Malenna, my friends Dorothy and Aleida, and the other friends I made in kettlebell class. But after travelling to see Malenna at fitness competition and seeing how lean and svelte everyone that had already started the program looked, my excitement grew and I really challenged myself to put in the time and effort to be successful.
Through Elite Heat, I have learned a lot about nutrition, and overall health and have been able to inspire my parents and co-workers to make positive lifestyle changes I think that's what I like the most. The hardest part? Making it to the gym, of course. But when you have a strong support team that focuses on motivation and not judgement or shame, you feel inspired to go to the gym and give it your all for yourself and them.
Winner, winner chicken dinner (breast meat only, no skin, trimmed of fat, grilled and served with a a1/4 C of quinoa, cooked!!NOT dry!) ;-)
Monday, August 27, 2012
Elite Heat Spotlight: Dorothy
No more boot camp, more excuses not to go to the gym, and just kettlebell class barely keeping me from looking like a member of the Klump Family. And then I started to notice certain members of the kettlebell class literally shrinking before my eyes. They did all the exercises like pros, were thin but strong and just looked good. I started to hear whispers of this secret society called the Elite Heat and boy did it sound well elite! I had to find out their secret.
I learned that most of the girls were chosen by Malenna and were training for fitness competitions. And the biggest change other than their workouts??? Their diets. I knew in order to get and maintain the body I wanted, I would need to make changes and stop justifying eating bad food by working out. It's not easy to say no to cheese or desserts, but once I started learning about how much sugar was in a banana, I had to start imaging that the foods I knew were bad for me were also disgusting, and it forced me to be creative with recreating my favorite foods with healthier options. I love the support of the other women working towards the same goals and it's great to see the camaraderie and encouragement amongst the group. I see some changes in my body already and I am looking forward to making this lifetime change to a slimmer sexier me as a member of the Elite Heat.
Monday, August 20, 2012
The Heat's First Photoshoot
When we began this journey, the motivation, aside from getting into competition shape, was to prep for a photo shoot midsummer. We would have never imagined how much fun the event would be or how great the pictures would turn out. Here is a mini video of the event. Photography was done by the fabulous SFX Photography and the make up was done by up and coming artist Dorothy Rodriguez. We are on our way to our October and November goals for comp!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Elite Heat Spotlight : Courtney
I remember being a kid and running track competitions every weekend. My dad would speed walk (practically run) my sister and I about 1.5 miles to the location. We would run a few races, then speed walk home. I suppose I attribute his inability to walk like a normal human being to really sparking my passion for fitness. So, in the many moons since my track days, I began trying new, interesting things...always up for a challenge and a change of pace. For me, fitness has always been about strength and health. An insane body is a welcomed perk, but has never been my focus. I joined the Heat after practically harassing Malenna about it for a couple of weeks. It was intimidating and I was drawn into the challenge. I expected to be pushed, and possibly more than that. I was attracted to the commitment you are forced to make to YOURSELF. This phenomenal group of super women have been able to beautifully balance the blend of individual and team efforts. It's been just a few weeks and I feel supported and motivated like never before!! Life is all about pushing through, growing and evolving. When my body is happy, I am strong in mind and spirit...and I am absolutely convinced I can take on the world!!! Maybe even Mars!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Elite Heat Spotlight: Aleida
I have been working out for quite some time now. Since becoming a member of Phoenyx Fitness, and now the Elite Heat team, I find that I am becoming more serious about working out and being fit and healthy. I really enjoy finding new and creative ways to make healthy and delicious meals. What made me decide to join the Elite Heat Team? After attending one of Malenna's shows, I did think about the possibility of doing a show, but decided against it because I am pretty shy and I didn't think my body could look like most of the competitors on the stage. When I saw the first round of Elite Heat members and their transformations, it gave me some confidence that I can be competition ready. I never thought that I would be considering doing fitness competitions, but if I spend so much time working on my body, why shouldn't I enter a competition? At this moment, I am just going to stay focused and become the best me I can be and enjoy this journey we are embarking on.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Elite Heat Spotlight : Shelley
When Malenna asked me to join this team, I didn't know entirely what would be involved, but I knew that I wanted to be a part of it. I was excited to be a part of a team, something I have missed since graduating college. I was also excited to be surrounded by a group of girls that are dedicated to fitness and leading a healthy lifestyle. I have always enjoyed working out and have tried my best to eat well, but the team has helped me to take my fitness to another level. Additionally, Malenna has provided us all with nutritional guidance to help us nourish our bodies in the proper way to see results of our hard work. It is very inspiring to be a part of a group of women who are all so dedicated to fitness and nutrition.
Shelley also serves as the team liason and coordinator for all events and research associated with the team!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Elite Heat Spotlight: Alyssa
02/2012 |
07/2012 |
I am working with the Elite Heat to take myself to the next level. To learn how to eat right, moderate foods, and ultimately get into the best shape of my life in time for my wedding in September. I have always had the attitude that working out was a way to justify eating pizza and drinking beer. But, as I get older, I realize I can't do that and that frankly, I don't feel my best when I do. So, I want to learn to live a healthier life. To make food choices that are good for me and taste good. That don't deprive me of anything, but also let me put my best foot forward. I have no idea what potential my body has or what willpower I may or may not have, but through this process, I hope to learn more about all of that, and hopefully in time, look bangin in my wedding dress!
Monday, July 9, 2012
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Elite Heat Spotlight: Dawn

" When I was first asked to join the now 'Elite Heat', I was flattered and curious. If anything, excited at the least to look great in a bikini and maybe say goodbye to some problem areas. But as the months progressed, not only did I feel stronger physically, I also felt stronger mentally. Being involved with such amazing women who are all working toward a similar goal really makes every week more positive and happier. Taking my fitness to the next level is both challenging and fantastic. I have more energy and look forward to each day. Can't wait to see the progression for myself and for my teammates, and also be able to 'rock' the stage in the near future. Life is too short. You never know what you will get out of it if you don't at least give it a try. "
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Elite Heat Spotlight: Nicky G.
"To me, fitness is living a healthy long life with my family. It's means my daughter being proud of me when I can keep up with her physically. It means keeping my asthma in check. I've always had an interest in fitness in general, but was truly inspired by my other half and his constant dedication to his body and healthy lifestyle. Most women like looking good, and so do I. But I want to take it to the next level. I love weights, I love the feel of the steel, and I love the challenge it presents for each new workout. There is a myth that women shouldn't lift heavy, or that by lifting heavy they'll lose their femininity. But I plan to be the canvas that proves them wrong. I am currently trapped in the corporate environment but the more I engulf myself into the fitness world, the more I realize that I may have another calling. In my perfect world, I would be able to train like minded clients that share the same long term goals that I do. Who knows where my first competition will take me, but wherever it is, I'm sure it will be and adventure, and you know what? I'm ready for that adventure. To Malenna, thank you for being a constant with me on this fitness roller coaster. You've shown tremendous strength and have truly become an inspiration to me."
Nicky will be competing in the July show. Good luck, Nicky!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Elite Heat Spotlight: Ashley M.
"The core reason I am undertaking this process is as simple as that I am curious to see if I can do it. I lack discipline in some areas of my life, especially in nutrition and fitness. I want to make a new habit of having discipline in this area. Also, I really want to get more in tune with my's needs and it's limits.
I am hoping to accomplish the goal of not only having a toned,
muscular body, but developing the habits and learning the strategies to
keep it that way. It would also be super awesome to speak of cellulite
in the past tense."
Ashley is an incredible fashion designer who helped to create some of Malenna's stunning stage looks. She will be competing in the July show.
Good luck, Ashley!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Elite Heat Spotlight: Esther L.
As you can see from her photos, Esther has made some awesome progress in just two short months! She will be competing in the July show. Good luck, Esther!
Friday, May 4, 2012
Elite Heat Spotlight: Lauren L.
"I'm looking to accomplish goals on both a personal level but also as a team. As a team, we all lead busy lives, but have a similar goal: a healthy lifestyle and fit body. I love that we all want to better ourselves for life's road ahead. I think it's amazing that a group of ten women have come together to help another like minded, fitness individual achieve a goal within her fitness career. I look forward to getting to know everyone on a personal level outside of the gym. Once we grow as a team, I hope that we can share our fitness journey with others who are looking to also take life by the horns and better themselves not only for appearance but for a long healthier life.
I am taking on this process because to me it's a challenge. I feel that I have come extremely far with my training and that is would be taking it to the next level. I know there will be bumps in the road, things will knock me down but that's how one becomes stronger, smarter, better. I am also going about this process because fitness runs deeper than just looking good. It's about feeling good, it's the way you carry yourself and it's longevity for your body. I hope that through this experience I'll be able to network, be successful up on stage but grow stronger as a person individually as well."
Lauren is the originator of "Let's get it!" as team mantra and generally considered the team's music guru. She will be competing in the upcoming July show.
Good luck, Lauren!
Lauren is the originator of "Let's get it!" as team mantra and generally considered the team's music guru. She will be competing in the upcoming July show.
Good luck, Lauren!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Malenna's Week 8 Progress Pictures
Week 8
click on photos for larger images!
ONLY TWO WEEKS OUT! Malenna is rocking her awesome new suit and looking incredible as she nears her pro-card winning show on April 14th.
Malenna is basically acting as an all-around Superwoman, as she is not only training and preparing hard for the April 14th show, but she is also simultaneously guiding the Elite Heat toward their first shows in July and November.
The Elite Heats are busy as well -- we are all tracking food, prepping food, and supporting Malenna in these next two crazy weeks before the show. On the workout side, Malenna has been instructing us in kettlebell classes and Elite Heat group sessions, both of which have been fun and challenging (not to mention body transforming!)
Stay tuned for more news as Malenna and the Elite Heat team burn up the scene!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Malenna's Week 7 Progress Pictures
Week 7
click on photos for larger images!
It's hard to believe, but Malenna is now only 3 weeks out from her first show of the season! She has been working extremely hard, not only for herself but also in training all of us Elite Heats with everything from nutrition to strength work.
As the show date nears, you can definitely see that all of this hard work is truly paying off!
Keep coming back for more updates and pictures as we get closer and closer to Malenna's pro-card winning show on April 14th!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Malenna's Week 6 Progress Pictures
Week 6
click on photos for larger images!
Malenna is now only four weeks out from her pro-card winning show on April 14th. Clearly she is making some serious progress!
The Elite Heat team has also been working extra hard, especially since we have recently started our weekly team workouts. Malenna has kept us motivated and excited for upcoming shows.
In other news, some of our Elite Heats will be competing very soon, in the Muscle Mania Beginners Natural Championships on July 7th. Go Heats!
Keep checking the blog for more progress photos and updates. The Elite Heat is on the move!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Malenna's Week 5 Progress Pictures
Week 5
click on photos for larger images!
Malenna is now just a mere 5 weeks out from her pro-card-winning show in April. As you can see from this week's (much better lit) photos, she has been making huge strides! In addition to being over 9 pounds lighter from her start point, Malenna has burned her waistline down to a very toned 28 inches and her hips to 36.25 inches.
The training -- physical and mental -- continues! Malenna inspires all of us Elite Heat ladies to go and "let's get it!"
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Malenna's Week 3 & 4 Progress Pictures
Week 3
Week 4
click on photos for larger images!
It has been a busy few weeks for Malenna and the Elite Heat team. Yet, throughout all of the activity, Malenna has had major progress toward winning her pro card in April. Since Week 1, Malenna has achieved the following milestones:
- Reduction of .75 inches from her calves
- Reduction of 1.25 inches from her bust
- Reduction of .25 inches from her waist
- Reduction of .75 inches from her hips
- An overall weight reduction of 8.6 pounds!
Malenna is now 5 weeks out from competition, and her Week 5 progress will be posted later this week. Stay tuned!
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