In July of 2016, I sat before my computer writing about a new athlete aspiring to grace the fitness stage for their debut. This athlete, a sibling of a previous competitor from our team, had expectations to fill as her sister had acquired her pro card just one year prior. In July of 2016, this same athlete competed in a WBFF show in NYC placing second in both Diva Fit Model and Diva Bikini. She also managed to win her pro card in Diva Bikini. Before the night was even over, and before she even realized her placings, she exclaimed, " I want to do this again!"

You would think it would be easier the next time around, but on so many levels, it's actually much more difficult. It may not happen the same the second as it did the first. You may be a little less patient for the result. You may have different reactions to food. Your metabolism may have changed. And on the pro level, you are also competing against a different platform of athletes. Athletes who have been in the game longer, built up muscle longer, and taken possibly years to perfect their physique. It's definitely not easier and we're so proud to present Ashley Johnson to the stage a second time, as a bikini pro. Just as she had when she took the stage the first time, it wasn't about the placing but the accomplishment and bringing a package that was better this time than the first time.
With just one day left, we look forward to seeing the outcome of Ashley's second show but , again, debut on the PRO stage in Atlantic City, December 2nd. Help us in congratulating Ashley as she takes on the best of the best this weekend