Monday, March 4, 2013

Elite Heat Spotlight : Alex

Have you ever had that feeling that your body just doesn’t compare to the other girls around you because it just isn’t the right shape or size and it doesn’t fit in the stereotypical “beautiful” body type that society accepts? Well twelve years ago, when I was fourteen, those same thoughts consumed my mind, body, & soul and lead me into an incredibly difficult battle that I still fight to this very day.

At fourteen, I had the typical “pudgy” awkward body type that most girls have at that age, but to me it was unacceptable and I needed to change my body and the way I thought people viewed me in the snap of a finger. I cut my food intake to half of what I normally ate and started taking my workouts to a whole new level, as I started seeing results my obsession grew and had become this lurking shadow that followed me everywhere. I started losing weight fast and people began to take notice, sadly I felt amazing. I dropped 30 pounds in 4 months and my mother became extremely concerned and took me to the clinic for a physical where I was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa and body dimorphic disorder. This was only the beginning of an incredibly long twelve year journey of battling my body demons, until now.

Four months ago, I was approached about joining a fitness group called “Elite Heat” and I must say I was skeptical at first, but after listening to the older girls on the team and talking with Malenna I couldn’t wait to sign my name on the dotted line. As soon as we had committed to the team; we got started with group workouts, solo workouts and eating plans that were made specifically for our body types & goals, and most importantly we (as a team) began bonding together. I could not be happier about my decision to join the “Elite Heat” team and I can honestly say that after twelve years of battling my “body” demons, I am so proud of myself and how far I have come mentally, physically, and spiritually. The lifestyle change that happens throughout this process is totally worth the pain, frustration, sweat & tears because at the end I could not be a healthier and happier person with an incredible appreciation for my “beautiful” body type.

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