Every since I was a little girl, I was athletic and an entertainer. Almost every sport you can think of I've done it. Swimming, tae kwon do, basketball, softball, cheer leading, gymnastics, dance.. you name it. I never purposely tried to stay in shape and I also never watched what I ate. It's just how my body developed over the years.
Throughout this experience, the hardest obstacle I had to face was changing my lifestyle. At heart I am a very big party girl. By the end of high school and all throughout college I had always enjoyed going to parties, drinking heavily and going out with my friends to clubs, restaurants, etc. This was something I thought no one was gonna take away from me. "I can't drink? That's not happening," were my exact thoughts the moment I considered competing. Today, I can assure you, that was the easiest part.
After the holidays, I went back to school for my last semester at the end of January. Unfortunately due to my busy schedule I wasn't able to keep up with my healthy lifestyle anymore. It really is like a second job. But at least with this you get to look hot in the process. ;) My progress had not completely become undone but I was not where I wanted to be.
Through this time my sisters best friend and WBFF Diva Bikini Pro Laura Gutierrez was preparing for her first show. Prior to going pro at her second competition, I became so infatuated with her transformation. I just knew I had to get involved with this somehow. I had been informed about an informational session fitness coach Malenna Saunders was having for girls in Long Island and I made it a point to be there. I needed to see who was the woman responsible for these incredible changes behind Laura and my sister. Needless to say, the moment I met Malenna and the women on the team, I was sold.
Deciding to compete, my family supported me a great deal, but there were two people in particular. My father, who competed in his earlier days and was ecstatic for me to continue his legacy. Most importantly though, my sister. Without her November 8th, 2014 would just be another day. Her motivation and support is what has gotten me through what I can easily call, one of the hardest journeys of my life. Basically my second coach, she kept me in check every step of the way and never let me slip up. And when I did, she was always right there to kick me in the butt to pick me back up again. She's truly inspired me to be a better, healthier and stronger woman and for that I am eternally grateful. I just hope that one day I'm standing next to her on that competition stage. But shhh, don't tell her I said that.
3 months ago if you asked me why I wanted to compete my response would be along the lines of, "I don't know, I think I'd be good at it, plus, I want to look hot."Today, I've learned that this experience is so much more than just that. For me, it's about doing something no one thought I could. Being able to leave old habits that have always been a part of me, and most importantly finishing a journey knowing that I could have easily given up at any moment. Today, not only am I hotter than before, but I am stronger, leaner, healthier and better. From here the only place to go is up. The Elite Heat is taking over ;)