Friday, August 21, 2015

FRIDAY Featured Athlete - Clare

Nonstop Champion....

It’s one thing to set a goal - it’s quite another to know how to connect your actions to that goal.  I had always enjoyed working out and aspired to being fit, but if I am being honest, I also wanted to look the part, to look like I worked as hard as I did.  I enjoyed running and taking classes, and in 2010, I began training with a triathlon team to attempt to conquer my fear and dislike of swimming.  To some degree, I succeeded - I’ve managed to complete several triathlons, but near constant panic attacks in the water always meant I was last out of the water and I could never make it up on the bike or run.  I am a competitive person, and constantly coming last was tough to take.    The other thing that was frustrating - not looking like I wanted to look.  I felt a bit shallow admitting it to myself, but I wanted to look fit, cut, not skinny-fat as I seemed to, no matter how hard I trained.

In February of 2012, I tore one of my hamstring tendons playing ice hockey and spent the following months trying anything and everything to avoid surgery - to no avail.  Having surgery meant I would have to give up running and biking for months while I went through rehab, and I honestly wasn’t sure I could handle it.  But by spring of 2013, it was clear I didn’t have a choice, and I was going to have to put endurance training aside temporarily and find a new aspect of fitness on which to focus.  As I was getting ready for hip surgery, I happened to read an article in the Wall Street Journal by Elite Heat team member Alyssa Cendrowski, who wrote about training with Malenna for her first fitness competition.  I had never thought of trying this, and thought I’d never have the nerve, and was much too old, to take the stage in a bikini.  I had never owned a regular bikini, much less a tiny, sparkly one.  The only bathing suits I ever wore were of the one piece Speedo variety.  But I wanted to look the part.  I contacted Malenna and began setting new goals - if I couldn’t run, bike or do much lower body exercise, I could learn to do pull ups.   I was really worried about gaining weight, not having all that cardio to fall back on, but the fact was, the cardio wasn’t getting it done anyway.  Working with Malenna, I learned you can’t out-train a bad diet.  Starting with the Advocare 24 day cleanse, I became much more aware of what I was eating and what it was - and wasn’t - doing for me.  Gradually, I let myself believe that I could prep for a show, and in May 2014 I competed at Fitness America.  It was easily one of the most challenging things I’ve ever done, and while I didn’t place very high, I ended up a better and fitter athlete as a result.  In fact, the day after the show, I raced a duathlon - a run/bike/run event, a triathlon with no swimming.   No swim meant no panic attacks and no anxiety - and thanks to focused strength training, I am much more injury proof than I used to be.  Many runners and endurance athletes skimp on weights and it’s a mistake.  But it took training with Elite Heat to take it to heart. I’ve been focusing on endurance sports this year, and have qualified for the age-group Duathlon World Championships in Australia this year and Spain next year.  My running has improved greatly as well, and I am hoping to qualify for the Boston Marathon.  As I turn 50 in two months, I’m in better shape than a decade ago, and looking forward to what’s next.  I’m not the best, the fastest, the most talented - not by a long shot.   But I keep showing up at the start line.

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