Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Kyedi's Journey to NPC Easterns

Two Steps Forward,..Two Steps Back

It is one year later, and I am competing in the NPC Figure Division for the second time.  In the Brooklyn, I placed fifth in both novice and open, which is considered to be a great start.  Of course, with the help of crtiques, there is always room for improvement.  After the show, I did put on a substantial amount of weight. (40lbs to be exact) due to reintroducing certain foods back into my diet too quickly and some food sensitivities.  I never thought I would put the weight back on especially knowing where I had originally started 10 years ago, close to 300 lbs.  

Somone said to me your “Your off season diet determines your prep when you’re on season”.  It's definitely a lifestyle , not a phase.  This prep was tougher than the first in regards to my diet, which was more restricted, since I had a lot of weight to lose.  It's ok, even though this prep is for my upcoming show, it helped me to get back into shape. Not only did my weight come down, my conditioning and muscularity improved during this process.  My total weight loss to date is 130lbs. 

There are times in life when you have to take two steps back to take one step forward.  I had to go back to the drawing board with both my food and workouts.  With the help of various people I was able to establish a new foundation to get my butt back into shape. I also had to factor in school because it was my graduation year, and my son's graduation year.  During this time, I was able to start my prep and see results instantly.  Once the school year was over I was able to focus on prepping for my next show.  
I am fortunate to have the support of my family and friends through this journey because there are some people that wal this path alone.  A great support system is much needed and appreciated.  the critiques and honesty of the people who have been with me on this second journey to stage is 
greatly appreciated.  It’s not easy as a single parent to balance work, home and school.  If you want something bad enough, you would make every effort to make time for it and get it.  I love to train and compete.  I love the way it makes me feel and look. It feels good when people tell you that you inspire them, especially once they learn of your story which I do not have a problem sharing.  I am proud of what has been accomplished and able to compete once again in the NPC Easterns
We are so proud of this girl. Please show your support via message, comment or attendance at Kyedi's first nationals appearance. 

1 comment:

  1. Great story.i wish i was n Bklyn to attend and support you.u deserve it.Congrats and bring it home.your hard work and story alone makes you a winner.
