Monday, August 27, 2012

Elite Heat Spotlight: Dorothy

Like any newly engaged bride, I was desperate to shed some pounds and rock a svelte, sexy body in my wedding gown. I found a lifebooker deal for Phoenyx Fitness, and it was love at first throw up with Malenna. After the first initial brutal workout with her, I lost some weight and felt stronger and fitter than ever. But weddings end and once you've got that guy and took pictures in that dress, it was time for the gut to come out to make room for all the things delicious: burger, cheese fries, mac & cheese, cheesy cheese, dessert, followed by more get the picture. It was not uncommon for me to work out for an hour and a half, and then walk to the Shake Shack across the street and justify it with "Oh I must have burned 500 calories, which means I can totally have the 3000 calorie double shack burger with a side of cheese fries...I worked hard for it!" Needless to say, I remained heavier than ever with this great workout regiment of mine.

 No more boot camp, more excuses not to go to the gym, and just kettlebell class barely keeping me from looking like a member of the Klump Family. And then I started to notice certain members of the kettlebell class literally shrinking before my eyes. They did all the exercises like pros, were thin but strong and just looked good. I started to hear whispers of this secret society called the Elite Heat and boy did it sound well elite! I had to find out their secret.

 I learned that most of the girls were chosen by Malenna and were training for fitness competitions. And the biggest change other than their workouts???  Their diets. I knew in order to get and maintain the body I wanted, I would need to make changes and stop justifying eating bad food by working out. It's not easy to say no to cheese or desserts, but once I started learning about how much sugar was in a banana, I had to start imaging that the foods I knew were bad for me were also disgusting, and it forced me to be creative with recreating my favorite foods with healthier options. I love the support of the other women working towards the same goals and it's great to see the camaraderie and encouragement amongst the group. I see some changes in my body already and I am looking forward to making this lifetime change to a slimmer sexier me as a member of the Elite Heat.

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