Sunday, September 30, 2012

Elite Heat Spotlight: Megan

In recent years, I've battled with a few extra pounds.  My love for burgers and beer, and the idea that I had the world's fastest metabolism and could eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, sadly led to a point in my life where I was truly unhappy with how I felt and looked. I joined Phoenyx Fitness in November 2011  with the simple goal of  losing the extra weight I had 'magically' put on over two years. I was frustrated those first few classes when I couldn't keep up with the cardio or do a single push up. I signed up for the kettlebell classes and that's when I was hooked. It was fun to see myself get stronger and have more stamina throughout class.  It was also great to see how the girls in the kettlebell class who were also a part of the Elite Heat were transforming before my eyes. 

What makes the Elite Heat team stand out from the countless classes/programs I have tried since I moved to NYC is the sense of camaraderie and dedication.  These ladies are fierce and determined.  I have learned so much in terms of terms of healthy eating , the benefits of kale, and how to have fun and still get a kick ass workout in. I am looking forward to continuing on this journey and seeing what my body can handle!

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