How sweet it is...

My fitness journey begin nine years ago, during my pregnancy with my son Andrew. I only gained thirty pounds. When he was about six months or so, I began to eat my way up to 295lbs. I learned this at my doctor’s appointment in the fall of 2005. I was fortunate not to have the health issues that normally accompany obesity but something had to be done. My weakness is sweets. I would eat sweets before I ate actual food. I did not want to change the way I ate, I was content. I did want to change how I look to be able to wear nice clothes and shop in the misses section where the cute little outfits would be. I tried diet pills, teas, shakes whatever but I didn’t stick with it and nothing seem to work so I gave up.
I used to be an assistant manager for a major retail company in Astoria, NY. The flaw to the store

was the stock room was downstairs. During the Christmas holiday we promote a sales associate to be a stock manager to oversee that shipment is received and processed. The person we promoted could not handle it. Even though I was 295lbs, I could still move around at a good pace, so myself and another manager split the responsibility. Up and the down the stairs I would go to ensure the merchandise was where it needed to be. I was doing this four times a week for about three hours. As the weeks went by I had become use to it and had more energy. I didn’t consider it exercise, just doing my job.
Now the food change happened at a manager’s holiday meeting in Soho. Our district manager would
buy healthy and not so healthy snacks for the meeting. We had some vegans in the group and they wanted to accommodate everyone. Well we ran out of the “good” stuff so I started snacking on the healthier snack which was trail mix. I liked it so much I looked for it when I went food shopping. I found it and began substituting it as snack. I didn’t eat much because I became full faster.
The increase in exercise happened when one of our sales associates said she was 60lbs heavier. I didn’t believe her, but she showed me pictures. I asked her how she lost it and she said she bought a stability ball and utilized the DVD that came with it and did the exercise every day. She also changed the way she ate. After work, I went to Modell’s picked up the set by Gaim and set out every afternoon after work to do it regardless of how I felt. I would pick up my son Andrew from school then exercise. I had to get him a ball to because he was like five years old at the time and would try to take mine. I started to read health magazines as well. As my energy progressed so did my DVD collection to challenge myself. My bedroom became my gym. The other manager I worked with was very health conscious, so she would give me pointers as well
That started in November, by March I went from 295lbs-245lbs. I went to put on my pants and they
fell to the floor. My next day off went shopping and I was on the borderline of plus size and misses. I
went from almost pushing a size 22 to a 14 in a matter of months, just exercising and changing my diet. I dropped another 10lbs and maintained between 235-245lbs for two years. During this journey I met key people who motivated me to get where I’m at today. In 2009, my mom and I walked into the Budokan dojo to look into setting up Andrew for classes. Sensei Nardu Debrah asked if I was interested in trying out the Muay Thai class. Even though I said yes, I was nervous. I made it through and never looked back. I was addicted to class and I dropped to about 220lbs.
In 2011 I met a trainer named Justus through a mutual friend on Facebook. He introduced me to weight training and still working with him to this day. It’s funny he showed me a picture of a female friend who did body building competitions and it didn’t appeal to me. I lived with the ignorance that women shouldn’t have so much muscle. As we know that perception has definitely changed. In 2012, a friend took me to a cardio class called Body by Denise. I fell in love with the class. The location was hard for me to get to, but when she changed location I made it my business to get in there. I would go to Lucille Roberts in the morning and her class at night. I was going between 215-220lbs. I said I want to be under 200, so I went for it and accomplished it. I was down dam near 100lbs overall.

When I started school I just went to BBD only. My friend Derrick he did weights only. I had an interest so he showed me how to do the exercise in the gym and it help give me a little more definition and we continued like that for about a year. He got me to the point that I could go in the gym and do it on my own. I continued with martial Arts, training with Justus every now and then and yoga. My body changed but not much I hit a serious plateau. I was between 185lbs-190lbs.
One year ago I was on break at work. I was walking and started thinking that I want to transform my
body. I want to see how far I could go. I walked back into work and met a client who just finished a
massage who turned out to be WBFF Pro Esther Lopez. We began having a conversation about how
massage and stretching is important to her telling me about her competing that weekend in Las Vegas.

I never heard of bikini competitions before. She gave me her coach’s name and her info. I emailed
her coach and I was on google looking up the information on competitions. It was so extensive but my interest kept me reading. I said I want to do that. I can do this. I didn’t know how or where to start but I was going to do it. I told my mom, she said ok.
Esther’s coach Malenna Saunders answered my email a few weeks later. We did an over the phone
interview then I emailed her my before pictures. She emailed back if you can do that you can do this.
She had some women from her team competing a few weeks from when we spoke on the phone and
she invited me to see a show. Best move ever, I loved every minute of it. It made me want to do it even more. Eager to learn more about the sport. The name of her team is Elite Heat. My group was Heat six.
We started and finished out a program together to see if this was the right fit for us. The major change that happened with my body was due to the major change that happened with my diet. Going from a size 10 to a size 6 in a matter of weeks is motivation enough to keep my eyes on the prize. I am grateful to have family friends (old & new) who are very supportive in my life. I get the occasionally your too skinny or don’t lose any more weight before we lose you, but that has not and will not stop me from attaining my goals. During this experience not only has my body changed, but the mentally has as well. Many people say I inspire them, but they don’t realize they inspire me with their words and actions. The Universe has brought some amazing people into my life to help me become the person I am supposed to be