Monday, November 4, 2013

Watch Jadi as she makes her WBFF Diva Bikini debut

Although Jadi is new to the WBFF stage, she is definitely not new to the stage.  This beauty stands at a mere 5 feet but a force to be reckoned  with. Don't take our word for it. This personal interview says it all.

"I can't even begin to tell y'all how thrilled I am to be debuting on the WBFF stage. I have always been kinda "fit," but in recent years, I just haven't quite been able to get back to my "no flab just fab" days. So here’s the deal, I’m an actor, and the reality is that appearance DOES matter. If I am doing all that I can in terms of training and skill, then I need to be doing all I can to physically look the part too.  I found the ELITE HEAT through my good friend WBFF Pro Esther Lopez and I was on track to reach my goal. So what’s my goal? LLP: Leading. Lady. Physique. 

I want to be lean, sculpted and solid as a rock… without losing my curves of course.


Prior to this, I could not tell you what the inside of a gym looked like and was rather intimidated by lifting so finding inspiration and motivation to hit the weights 4-5 days a week was quite a challenge and a complete shock to my system.  And don't even get me started on food prepping! Phewww, I almost freaked out the night I had to turn on the oven; nonetheless, this journey has and continues to push me past what I believed my limitations were and is exactly what I strive for.  I strive to live in a world of YES, a world where the "best" is defined by whatever our minds conceive, believe, earn and achieve.

After all, the best of the best DOES compete with the WBFF; so tell me, what will you say yes to?"

1 comment:

  1. Love this! You are amazing Jadi! Love you and damn girl you've got some serious sass on that stage!
