(Wo)Man in the Mirror.....

My name is Jennifer Castillo. I am 23 years old, and I will be competing for the first time on July 11th. My reason for competing is deeper than just wanting to look pretty on stage and showing off my muscles. Its about a journey on building self confidence and finding happiness within myself. For many years, I was self conscious about how I looked because I believed I didn't have an attractive feminine body. I would always tell myself I looked like a 12 year old boy with no behind and a man chest. Because of that, I considered myself to be ugly. My own negative thoughts were eating me alive. Now I have learned that is is not how you look that makes you beautiful but how you feel about yourself on the inside. Fitness brought me the confidence I needed to believe in myself not just because working out kept my body in shape but the happiness it gave me. Everyday, I look forward to going to the gym and challenging my body and everyday I surprise myself on what my body is capable of doing. In the back of my mind, I always thought of the idea of wanting to compete but I've always been such a shy person. I couldn't imagine myself walking across a state in front of hundreds of people. It wasn't until I met former Elite Heat member Laura, who introduced me to the Elite Heat and the world of beauty and fitness. I saw all the amazing pictures of her transformation throughout here competition years and it truly inspired me. I thought to myself, if she can do it, then why can't I.
On July 11th, I will no longer be this shy girl who's self conscious about herself. Instead, I will be a strong confident woman showing everyone how happy I am to be in my own skin.
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