The grass is not always greener...
For me, the journey to stepping on stage has been emotionally trans formative as it has been physically.
Growing up I was criticized constantly for being too skinny. People would make comments about it relentlessly - "Ugh, you're SO skinny", "Go eat a cheeseburger","Easy for you to say, you're skinny!" As many comments as the people made about wanting to be skinny, I began hating myself for it, and became extremely self -conscious of how long and lean I was.

Everyone is met with obstacles in life, and I was faced with a few that really knocked me down and kept me down for a while. But after each one I pressed forward stronger and learned to grow from each challenge I was faced with. The problem was that as much as I had accomplished and as much adversity as I had overcome, inside I still felt like that skinny self- conscious little girl I had always been. I couldn't shake her.
For me, there is something that translates from physical strength into being able to feel confident in all other areas of your life. The first time I stepped into the weight room at the gym, I had not idea what I was doing. I just anted to get in shape for summer. What it turned into was something so much greater than I had ever imagined. The more work I put in at the gym to becoming physically stronger, the more my emotional strength befitted.
After a while, I started asking myself "what next" - I loved the changes I was seeing in my mind and body and loved that every day I was becoming a better version of myself than the day before. With that in mind, I decided I wanted to start competing and joined the Elite Heat to surround myself with like minded women searching for the same things I was.
One thing I know for sure is that this competition is not the end of my journey; it's the very beginning. When you are on a mission to be the very best you can be, there's no tellin where your drive will take you.
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