The world is my stage.....

2013 I decided to give it another go. I was looking for a personal trainer in which I could feel comfortable with and who would motivate me to push myself. I met Malenna Jan 2013, and shortly learned that she was just what I needed and more. Although, she had been consistent in doing her part, I was not. I still wasn't giving it 100 percent. IT'S HARD. VERY HARD. Food makes me happy. I needed something sweet everyday to fulfill my cravings. I started slowly winging myself off tings such as pastas, breads, and alcohol. After about 6 months of training with her, she started telling me more about her team and about competing. I wasn't really listening because I didn't think someone like me had the will power to get onstage to compete in a fitness competition. I didn't think I could be determined enough to say not to my cocktails, bagels, cakes, cookies, and so forth. Actually, I didn't want to. But how could I get the body I wanted if I wasn't willing to make sacrifices? Well I couldn't. I would ask her questions and even started searching online for what it took to compete but I stayed quiet for so long about it because i as afraid of saying it out loud. Me compete? Yeah right.

Here I am eleven weeks later and I have to honestly admit that it's been probably the hardest experience of my life. I struggled the entire time and my biggest one was saying no to sweets. Sugar is really addictive. Yes, I failed at time. No I didn't devour cakes and cookies like I used to. The most important thing is I really gave it all I got. This has definitely been a learning experience. Do I have the body I always imagined? No, I don't but I do have the best body I have ever had in my life. I am still earning and struggling. This isn't the end for me. In fact, I wanted to compete to make a new beginning for myself. I wanted to learn self control and discipline so that I could input that in other ares of my life as well. If I want the body of my dreams. I have to control what I put into it - bottom line. I've lost more than 20 pounds, and will continue to get better from here. After this show is over, I will take time to reflect on my mistakes and work hard to get better. This isnt' over and I'm looking forward to living a git and healthy lifestyle.
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