With Love, Dignity and Pride

In just two days, I will be stepping on the WBFF stage for the second time in 8 months. Throughout this entire prep all I an think is, what in the world was I thinking doing this again?!?! But here I am. There is just something about the sport that makes you want to see just how far you can go. To see just how much your body can take and how much better you can make yourself inside and out. The idea of being able to do something the average person couldn't even fathom, and successfully too, excites me. Unless you have been on this side, no one will ever understand the discipline it takes. The physical pain and shock you put your body through on a daily basis, and more importantly, the mental games it can sometimes play with your mind is ...well mind blowing. The moment I step off stage, I know all that hard work has paid off. I again, accomplished something the average person couldn't. I went up there a better version of myself and no matter the outcome, I couldn't be more proud. Now, I can finally be reminded as to why I'm doing this again.

Eight months ago, I competed in WBFF Rhode Island as a bikini competitor. I took 5th place in a class of around 20-30 incredibly fit females and was in utter disbelief. I expected to jut go up there, look good, and have a great time. I came off that stage with so much more. That moment was hands down, one of the most amazing experiences of my life. This year, I am competing in the fit model division at WBFF NYC where the women are a bit leaner and a bit more muscular. Even with all the incredible competition I'll be facing, I am excited. This is exactly where I want to be in terms of how I would like my body to progress. Always being very petite, I am sure that I will be going on stage a little smaller than the rest of the women, and still, that doesn't bother me one bit. Knowing that I'll be going up there better, stronger, and leaner than last time is all I need

My support, just like before is amazing, especially from my family. My mother's been a life saver this entire prep. With working crazy hours and trying to find time to train, even if it has to be at midnight, she preps all my meals for me and makes sure I'm all ready for every single day. Without her, there is no doubt I would have crashed and burned as soon as I started. My father asks me to see my progress almost as much as my coach does, and trust me, sugar coating anything is not an option for him. My sister, who was literally my backbone the first time I competed has taken a small step back which I appreciate so much. It's given me a sense of responsibility and leadership. I used to drag her everywhere with me from my workouts to picking which suit I should buy. She's showed me that I am able to do this on my own, but being one call away when I need her. My younger brother doesn't have much to say about it, but the moment I mentioned the tickets for the show, he didn't hesitate one bit to ask how much and when can he buy one. Lastly, my boyfriend has been a major part in my success, more than he will ever know. He is a competitor in NPC and understands what I go through more than anyone. He keeps me in check with my food, my workouts, and motivates me every single day. Words wouldn't be able to explain how thankful I am to have him by my side. My family has forever been a backbone and will always continue to be. Everyday I thank God that he's blessed me with such an amazing boyfriend and amazing parents and siblings. I am one of the lucky ones.
I never want to use the word easy because nothing at all about this was easy, so I'll use the word smooth. The second time around went a bit smoother for me. This time, I knew a little bit more about what to expect and what I was getting myself into. I was prepared. My discipline was better than last time and my attitude is also. That's what it's all about. Being better than the last time. In a few days, I am going to step on stage for the second time, MUCH better than the last time. And still with all the blood, sweat and tears put into this. All the sore body parts, the sleepless nights, social seclusion, the countless dollars and endless work, I can almost guarantee, this next time you see me on that stage, will not be the last time.
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